Me on a roof

Solar Panels Detected from Aerial Imagery

By Yvonne Matthews, PhD

This map shows the result of a study to detect rooftop panels in New Zealand. Use the map controls to zoom and move.

Using advanced machine learning techniques (CNN), my co-author and I analysed aerial imagery to detect solar panels, identifying almost 9,000 residential properties with solar installations with a precision of 92% - approximately 1.6% of properties in the analysed areas.

Aerial image tiles and property boundaries were sourced from LINZ. Coverage is limited to areas that had recent (2022-2024) high-resolution (0.1m or better) aerial imagery. Note that Google satellite images are not necessarily as up-to-date as the LINZ images so you might not see a solar panel at every marker.

I also analysed the relationships between solar adoption and property and neighbourhood characteristics.

Key Insights:

By visualising these patterns, the map highlights the importance of considering both socio-economic factors and spatial dynamics when planning for or promoting household solar PV systems in New Zealand.

Further Information

The research is in the process of being published in an academic journal. To find out more or to get a pre-print of the paper, please message me on LinkedIn.

Map Legend

Extent of aerial imagery used